Alien Parade (2021)
Director: Suliya Gisele
Still photographers: Chris Uhren & Cory Rice
Music video wherein a six-year-old girl’s suburban birthday party is crashed by a vulgar dinosaur named Dippy.
Backyard dressed for child’s birthday party. Dinosaur costume and car sourced. Model volcano fabricated.

Sisters (2021)
Director: Suliya Gisele
Still photographer: Thereza Helena
A visual poem celebrating Black sisterhood.

Chrysanthemum (2020)
Director: Suliya Gisele
Still Photographer: John Harris
Short film wherein an elderly Chinese couple’s love is rekindled thanks to a doll the wife finds in the garbage.
Complete transformation of apartment to resemble the Chinatown dwelling of a hoarder wife and chain-smoking husband.
Walls painted and wallpapered, furniture sourced and dressed, wall of chrysanthemums fabricated